Saturday, December 12, 2009

Change In Plans & Feeling Contemplative

Well, this evening we are suppose to be at one of our favorite Christmas parties of the year....and this year's theme is Polar Express where all the kids come in their jammies and listen to the story read by the host, and then Santa comes with toys for everyone. But, our boys are both under the weather so unfortunately we needed to keep them home. So, my alternate plans? out the fridge and freezer...somehow this just does not compare to getting all dolled up and heading out for Christmas cheer and celebration. What a bummer!

Well, with this unexpected opening in my evening and with the house being quiet with feverish kiddos and with the rain tapping outside on my windows I figured maybe I would use this time to put a few thoughts down that have been swirling around in my head. I have been thinking a lot lately about Reid's upcoming birthday. Reid will be turning three in a few weeks, so hard to believe on so many levels and yet I am really glad to be here, three years out. Don't get me wrong, I love the baby stage and savor each milestone and I actually love diapers...I'll be sad when diapers are gone forever around here..... but somehow Reid turning three is just so sweet for me and I have been feeling very contemplative and reflective lately on those early days and very raw emotions we experienced. I am working on a couple different posts and hope to share in the next few days... so many amazing things actually happened those first few days after Reid's birth that I have not shared yet on my blog that we took as signs that we would be okay, and, of course three years later we are so much more than okay!! But, I am working on sharing those stories....

Until then, here are a few pictures from earlier in the week when my guys were feeling better and decorating some Christmas cookies.

I just love to see the love these two boys have for eachother!!



The Sanchez Family said...

I can't wait to read your upcoming posts! Hope your little blondies are feeling better soon.

Sasha@ Blyssfulhealth said...

I love the last picture. Wow what fun they are having. Hope they feel better

Heidi said...

I am really looking forward to reading your stories from your early days with Reid. It still amazes me how blessed we have been since Joel came into our lives. That's definitely not what I thought would happen.

Your boys are so precious together. There is something so wonderful about brotherly love! I hope they are feeling better soon.

Kele said...

Looking forward to your posts! Hope your little fella's are feeling better, and I, too, love seeing how much your little guys love one another... it is so evident in all your pics of them!