Have you heard about these fabulous shirts....?? The brain and heart behind these shirts is Jennifer, Joaquin's mommy, at Three's A Charm. As soon a Jennifer posted the idea I sent her a check right away and couldn't wait to get ours in the mail! The heart and intent for these shirts is the essence of Jennifer as I have gotten to know her through our blogs... she is amazing...the shirts are amazing...her "pay it forward" so to speak with the purchase of the shirts is amazing (please read her post for details). I am thrilled that Reid can proudly wear his shirt as he has indeed earned the right to say "I Did It" for so many milestones....and I am thrilled that this shirt will also remind me each time he wears it that somewhere someone will have a Gifts 2 book in their hands because of it. (Jennifer also happens to be one of the contributing authors in the book) :)!
Reid has earned the "I Did It" slogan for so many, many things in his short little life...enduring 2 open heart surgeries is only the short of it. His newest achievements have come in the form of speech and cognition...which is so thrilling for us! Little by little he is starting to say new words and though Reid cannot say "I Did it" on his own yet...honestly the phrase would have been so appropriate for the little story I want to share, which made me smile from ear to ear! I heard Reid reading in is room as he does everyday and I usually hear him laugh at something or say wow or whoa...at whatever catches his attention, but on this particular day I heard him say "Ba-bye" over and over again...I had to go take a peek to see what he was reading and I found him saying bye and waving to this picture below.... I just giggled and found that to be just about the cutest thing and the SMARTEST thing that he recognized that this boy was turned away from him and because he saw the back of his body and his little butt (which made Luke giggle) that meant he was running away, therefore eliciting a "Ba-Bye" from Reid. The thing is Reid had no idea why I was so excited but I knew...I knew that to be such a great speech and cognitive connection....so I said the phrase for him..."You Did It Buddy"! This page is from the book, No, David (by David Shannon).
Okay sooo...I know the intent of the shirt is not meant for this....but truth be told about events around our house this shirt can also indicate "I Did It" to fess up for mischievous endeavors that my little one has found himself apart of. Like....if I un-crop the top picture you can actually see the mess he created with his baskets of toys in his little playroom.
or the "I Did It" for once again pulling tons of books off the shelves and out of baskets in his room....once again, sigh! :)
Or...how about this little beauty of a mischievous act??....Don't let the innocent smile or his mismatched pajamas fool you, once I walked out of the room the pure white chair was no longer as I had left it, nor my desk....he REALLY should have been wearing his shirt this day.... But, no worries Luke shouted out for all to hear and for all to be clear..."He Did It, Not Me!!!!"