Sunday, February 22, 2009

Timur and His Forever Family Need Our Help...

Grab This Button

When I first started blogging last August I learned of an organization called Reece's Rainbow. Reece's Rainbow helps connect families with children who have Down syndrome that are in need of loving families to adopt them. It goes without saying how much it makes my heart bleed to know these precious children are not wanted, not valued, and pushed aside in their countries because of their extra chromosome. When I first logged onto Reece's Rainbow a picture of a little boy, this little boy pictured above, grabbed my attention and melted my heart right away! Every time I would check back to the site little Timur would always catch my eye... and often I had the fleeting thought that if we were in the place to adopt he would be who I would want to pursue. However, it is not our time and so when in the Fall I learned that he had found his Forever Family I was so thrilled. I have checked in to his family's blog from time to time to check on the status of their adoption...and was excited to learn today just how close they are, they are actually leaving in a week to get him!! However, we all know how expensive adoptions can be and though all their needed funds have not come through yet they are still moving forward, trusting that God will take care of the remaining financial needs. I am posting Meghan's post from yesterday (Timur's mom). If you feel compelled to donate or add his button to your blog please do so.

saturday, february 21, 2009

7 Days and Counting...
We need a Miracle! Please join us in prayer as we are coming close to the trip of a lifetime. In just 7 days we will all 4 be boarding a plane to rescue Timur. There is still so much to be done and needs to be met. God knows the details. We appreciate your prayers. We feel it is God's will to rescue these children from the institutions they are bound for. Not to give up! He is the ultimate provider and we believe He will provide. If we had a million dollars and our paperwork didn't go through it wouldn't matter. Our paperwork has sailed on through now it's about the money still needed. Man will let us down but God will not. He will never leave us.
It's never been about Wayne or Meghan. This mission has always been about the life of a child. If you could only know the truth we've learned you would be in agreement, this is no place for any child. Timur deserves the love a family.
This is our heart today as we pray for God to move in a powerful way!


Junior said...

Timur is a beautiful little boy, we will be praying that the money comes in and all goes smoothly with the adoption.

Unknown said...

What a beautiful story. I will add this to my blog as well and hope and pray that a way will be found for this wonderful family and special little boy!

MJMILLS said...

I'm going to go see the website for adopting a child with DS. When I was like 13 or 14 my dream was to have a mansion with 20 DS kids! (that's how much I love them!) Im now 29. I came thru from Zoey's site. much lvoe *erin*....can you put a "follower" link on your blog?