We actually are on a waiting list for this class but if an opening presents itself we will jump on it. From what I observed, this is a perfect fit for us! I figured I would take a few pictures of him, but as our time there progressed so many picture moments presented themselves!! Here are some of my favorites.

Saturday, January 24, 2009
Look who got BIG...right before our very eyes!!!
I know I was going to post next about the picture (actually it was a large framed print) that came delivered anonymously a week after Reid was born... but unfortunately I have not had many quiet moments of late that enabled me to sit long enough to get the story typed up...I will post it shortly.
Instead... today I am posting pictures of Reid "trying out" a little preschool class this past week. In the last month Reid not only bounced back amazingly from his heart surgery but he has morphed into this strong, busy, social, little guy! As days have passed I have watched him grow so much and decided I needed to find something that allowed him to use these new skills! He LOVED his time there and got right in with the other kids. He was the only one, at least that I could tell, that had special needs...but he blended right in, which made my heart want to burst...absolutely burst!! In fact, as I drove home I called a girlfriend to say..."Okay remember when I called you from the hospital crying to tell you Reid had Down syndrome...I am now calling you crying because we are leaving preschool!". Honestly the last 2 years have passed so quickly and Reid got so BIG right before my eyes!
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such a special day. Looks like Reid fit right in and had a great time. We will pray they get an opening for him very soon.
What a grown up boy! Wow :) That is so reassuring for those of us will younger guys following in Reid's footsteps. Neat photos too. Thanks for sharing.
The pictures are just so sweet.He has grown and thrived and definitely morphed into just a little man.Preschool?How great is that?I must say I am jealous.Just honest.To think Zoey is just a few months younger and well,you know what I am going to say.I spend sometime with the what if's.I think it is natural.But ... with that said I am so beyond happy that Reid has not been hit with the extra stuff.Heart stuff was enough.To think that was our biggest worry.Now look.So sorry ... not about me.This is about your amazing little guy.Who I could just eat up and who I cannot wait to meet one day soon .. . I hope.Love to you all.
he is so stinking cute! sounds like a great place for Reid to play & grow.
Lovely family!
I have a teen (14 years) who has Down syndrome. Yes, we need to see the person before the Down syndrome.
Wonderful pictures. I especially like the one of his face and hands poking out of the circle.
I agree with Mel, it is so reassuring. Thank you Cheri.
And he does look so much bigger. I love the photo of his little face through the round hole. So cute!
He is beyond cuteness. And looks like he had a great time at preschool. What fun!
Way to go Reid! So glad he had a good day at Preschool...those pictures are wonderful! Gives me hope that we will get to that 2 year mark!!! You have such a beautiful family!! He melts my heart!!!
Oh my gosh I'm crying right now! This is exactly what I hope for....for Joaquin to go to preschool like his brothers! Thank you for sharing all those pictures!!! Is he really 2 years old???? Amazing!!! Joaquin turns 1 on Feb 2nd and I'm really emotional about it. Thank you again for this AWESOME post!
I have tears rolling down my face Cheri!
I couldn't of read this post on a better day, feeling a little down and anxious, worried and scared... you know the whole deal, that place we go on occassion?!?
But then I came here, saw these pics of Reid and I am crying... happy tears!!
He is so adorable, looks so happy, just a sweet, precious little boy, being 'a sweet, precious little boy!'
Thank you for sharing, you don't know how much it helped tonight!
wow! That looks like a great school! One of the best things we ever did for Zach was to put him in with his peers. Reid looks like he had an amazing day. I hope a spot opens up for him soon!
Hi Cheri-I agree that the picture of Reid looking through the hole is just adorable. Addie recognizes him when we look on here and still signs friend (like Reid taught her in the summer!) What memories these little ones have. She likes the one of him looking through the blue ring toy. She says, "Reid!"
I've never left you a comment before, but I thought I would tonight considering you are going to see my sister tomorrow.
First, please give her a hug for me. It's hard to be in San Diego and give hugs from so far away! My mom too!
Second, you definitely have my stamp of approval for Reid and Zoey to begin dating.
Third, the picture of Reid sweeping with the broom is my favorite. The concentration on his face is priceless. And I love that little face popping through the cardboard box.
I just love your little guy.
Have a wonderful day tomorrow!
Caitlin (the second oldest)
You got it, hugs all around tomorrow. Thanks for your stamp of approval! So glad you left a comment...your sister has found her way into our hearts and we check on her everyday. And your mom...for goodness sakes convince that woman to start writing a book!! Her writing is so real, so beautiful, and so needs to be published!!
Enjoy your tomorrow as well!
Reid is beautiful! I love seeing pictures of other children with DS. It makes my day.
what beautiful pics of a fun time trying out the preschool class! So glad to hear how well he's doing since the surgery!
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