Sunday, May 31, 2009

A Great New DS Website...Created by a DAD

This morning I learned of a great new website created by a dad...for the Down syndrome community called Down Town- Down Syndrome News/Info. The creator, Daniel Niblock has a beautiful little boy, Ozzie, born last July, and a darling little girl. It is refreshing to me, as well as educational, to hear tales from a father's perspective when it relates to our little ones. I enjoyed reading from his blog as well, Down With Oz. While perusing his "Excellent Links" husband Toby came across the site Dad's Appreciating Down Syndrome  and liked what he saw. I have added both sites to my Down Syndrome Resources. 

Dan... and to all the other dads out there championing for your children with Down syndrome...THANK YOU. What a beautiful thing!

Friday, May 22, 2009

Reid loves to Read

Well it turns out we chose the right name for his favorite pastime, next to baseball, is reading books. If he could he would pull books off his shelf in his room all day. The teacher in me is so excited...and he even babbles as he is "pretending" to read, definitely a pre-reading skill we hope for all of our children... extra chromosome or no extra chromosome. 

Just as a side note, the response we have received regarding his name amongst "little people" has been quite funny...whenever kids at Luke's school ask Reid's name they always look back at me puzzled, like, "Huh? Why did you name him you read a book?".  Quite honestly I don't really remember how we decided on his name but I remember discussing names on a plane ride back from Seattle months before we were even pregnant and debated if we ever used the name if we would spell it Reid or Reed, and for us the ei won out.  Actually, we have often joked that our poor little one will always need to spell his name for people.... Toby grew up always having to tell people to spell Foreman with an e, I grew up having to tell everyone I am Cheri with a c.....and now our poor little guy will need to say, "I am Reid with an ei...Maddux with a u...and Foreman with an e. But, somehow I think he'll be able to handle it. :)


Sunday, May 10, 2009

Mother of the Year????

Sunday morning Luke was so excited to bring me the presents he had made at school for Mother's sweet! I have to share the entry he wrote as to why he thought I should win the Mother of the Year Award...Toby and I were cracking up all day about it. :) His teacher made this into a book with every child's letter.

Dear Judges,

I'm writing because I want to tell you why you should make my mom Mother of the Year. She is kind and warm hearted. My mom now does her work online just to have time to do stuff with me and my baby brother. My mom is a great cook. She makes the best mashed potatoes. My mom is the best because Cheri makes my bed and cleans my room. She is a caring person. She gives stuff to the homeless. Cheri is sweet because sometimes she lets me miss school and go do something fun so that's why you should pick my mom for Mother of the Year.

Luke Foreman

....oh my gosh we were laughing so hard. 1st... why is my son now referring to me by my first name? 2nd... Wowza, I suppose I need to back off on the making his bed and cleaning his room and turn that over to my almost 8 year old (his future wife would appreciate that I'm sure). 3rd... hmnn, do you think I will now get turned into the attendance police to explain that Luke's absences were not indeed doctor appointments, but rather a much deserved visit to Disneyland and on another occasion a visit to see the play Pippi Longstocking during school hours?? Whoops! :)

Oh make us laugh, you make us melt, you make us so, so proud! Thank you for just being the little boy you are. You and your brother mean more to your dad and I than words could ever express! XOXO Mom

Monday, May 4, 2009

New Look For The Blog

I want to thank Hilary from Simply Yours Designs who created a new look for my blog....she was so great to work with and creates so many cute templates! Thank you Hilary!!!!

I had her put some side bar headers on the side and had one titled Down Syndrome, my hope is to add some great resources for families who happen across my blog looking for information for their newly diagnosed child. If you have a link that would be great to add I would love your suggestions!
