Lately the following "status" on facebook has made its rounds in honor of special education week...
"People need to understand that children (and adults) with special needs don't have an illness, so there is no cure and it's not contagious. They only want what we all want: to be accepted."
This is so very true.... and it was actually that facebook status I first thought of when I received an email today asking me if I wanted to contribute to an article with the title;
What do you want people to know about raising a child with a disability?
The author is looking to write an article for a parenting magazine:
I am writing an article about parenting a child with a disability. It can be funny, informative, or a form of venting. All I need is a single phrase, a few sentences at most. If I see common themes being repeated, I'll know it's important to include it! It will probably be in a "top ten" format, and I am hoping to keep it simple!
So, in addition to highlighting that facebook status I thought I would also answer that question with my own thoughts...
"Raising a child with a disabilty is just like raising a child without...you have your highs, your lows, your battles and your victories. The only difference perhaps is the extra sense of perspective and the extra dose of clarity gained from that special soul of what is truly important in this life."Cheri 
But, what about you? What would you like people to know about raising a child with a disability?
I have decided to send the author this blog entry rather than just my thoughts so he can hear from all of us collectively.... if you feel compelled please share your thoughts by May 1st and leave your name.